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Leo Season Tarotscopes

Dates: 7/22 - 8/22

Happy Leo season! We're in the throes of summer (winter for our Southern Hemisphere friends), and things are about to get even hotter as we move out of the nostalgic sign of Cancer and into fierce, brave Leo. You'll likely feel more creative and confident over the next few weeks and willing to make bold decisions. Be mindful of your ego as you interact with others, though; some may find you domineering and bossy. Make sure you live a little and allow yourself some spontaneity this season. And, perhaps most importantly, play.

Leo Characteristics

  • Ruler: Sun

  • Element: Fire

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Symbol: The Lion

  • Color: Orange & Gold

  • Stone: Ruby

  • Tarot: The Sun

  • Anatomy: The Heart

Locate where Leo is in your natal chart to identify where its influence will be the most prevalent for you over the next few weeks. For example, I have Chiron in Leo in the 10th House, so my career, long-term goals, and public life will be a primary focus during this season.

Major Transits

We'll feel the shadow effect of the retrogrades occurring early this season. Be gentle with yourself, and take time to re-evaluate and reflect as needed! There are several transits to be aware of as well:

  • 7/25 - Mercury enters Virgo

  • 7/26 - Chiron in Aries goes Retrograde

  • 7/27 - Last Quarter Moon in Taurus

  • 8/4 - New Moon in Leo & Venus enters Virgo

  • 8/5 - Mercury goes Retrograde

  • 8/7 - Jupiter in Gemini sesquiquadrate Pluto in Aquarius

  • 8/9 - Juno enters Libra

  • 8/12 - First Quarter Moon in Scorpio

  • 8/14 - Mercury Rx enters Leo

  • 8/19 - Full Moon in Aquarius & Jupiter square Saturn in Pisces

Leo Season Tarotscopes 2024

Now, without further ado, let’s find out what the signs may experience during this season. Be sure to check your Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus placements!

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Fire Signs

Aries | Leo | Sagittarius

Your circumstances may have changed recently, particularly with your finances, and you might not feel as happy-go-lucky as you've been the last few weeks or months, Fire signs. That's okay, though, because this low period won't last long. In the meantime, there is plenty for which you can be thankful. There is immense wealth present in love and companionship this season. Focus on your connections, try to go with the flow, and avoid being too rigid in your decision-making.

Anything is possible for you; don't forget that. Take an adventure into nature and use your observational powers to find the messages the Universe has been trying to send you. Embrace all the goodness and joy already present in your life, no matter how small it may seem. This is your journey, and you get to choose your story. Will it be one of gratitude, or will you wallow in victim mentality? It's your decision; choose wisely.

Significant placements: Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Significant numbers: 4, 5, 6, 444, 555, 666

Crystal Message: "So much life in you."

Earth Signs

Taurus | Virgo | Capricorn

Things might have been hectic for you the last few weeks or months, Earth signs, but they will begin to cool down this season. Don't get too comfortable with complacency, though. This is a time to reflect on your gifts and recognize how abundant you already are. You are uniquely gifted and intuitive. Embrace these gifts, and it will open up a new creative venture that will reignite your passion and expression. For some of you, this will require being more vocal, such as attending speaking events or creating music. For others, this might mean telling your thoughts through pen and paper. Either way, you're being encouraged to use your voice.

You might want to resist the path less chosen and follow the crowd, but you're not meant to do that. You have unique skills and talents that are meant to be shared. Embrace a youthful perspective (say hello to your inner child) and have some fun even while you're self-reflecting. Strike a balance between work and play, and you'll find yourself more content in the process.

Significant placements: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Significant numbers: 2, 5, 6, 11, 222, 555, 666, 1111

Crystal Message: "Be soft and listen."

Air Signs

Gemini | Libra | Aquarius

Sometimes, what's needed is a clean slate, Air signs. Things might feel like they're falling down around you, but what if you willingly gave in to the transformation process and allowed yourself to start anew? Sometimes, things don't work out how we thought they would, and that's okay. Use the experience as a learning lesson, let go of what didn't work, and apply what you've learned in the next endeavor. Growth and transformation are part of the cycle of life. Try, try, and try again. You can keep putting effort into something that isn't going anywhere, or you can begin again with a fresh perspective.

Let yourself dream of your brightest future, find your magic, and go make it happen. You'll have to let go of some things in the process, but as long as you continue to find love in all of your encounters, you will follow a path of healing, forgiveness, and success. If you feel lonely on this journey, reach out to your loved ones for support and encouragement.

Significant placements: Aries, Aquarius, Leo

Significant numbers: 0, 1, 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 19, 000, 111, 777, 888, 1010, 1616, 1717, 1919

Crystal Message: "Expand into wonder."

Water Signs

Pisces | Cancer | Scorpio

Change is an inevitable part of life, and trying to resist it is counterproductive, Water signs. You might want things to remain as they are, but you have so many more blessings coming your way if you will allow them. For many of you, it will require taking a good, hard look at your fears and what's been holding you back from fully embracing the love and abundance meant for you. Face your shadow self, embrace the fears lurking below the surface, and do some self-care in the process–however that looks for you.

You're being called to leave your comfort zone and see the world. Life is one big adventure if you allow it to be. Sometimes, that requires shifting your perspective. Remember, you get to choose your story. You may also find yourself privy to other people's secrets in the process. Have compassion for yourself and others as you grow and explore this season.

Significant placements: Scorpio, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces

Significant numbers: 0, 1, 4, 10, 13, 000, 111, 444, 1010

Crystal Message: "Get curious."


Disclaimer: This message is for entertainment purposes only. You control your life. Nothing is set in stone, and no one can make you do anything you don’t want. Please use discernment. You always have a choice!

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