Dates: 8/22 - 9/22
Happy Virgo season! Summer is nearing its end for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere (and about to begin for our Southern Hemisphere friends), and the kids are back in school. Virgo is one of the most organized signs and thrives on structure and planning, so if you feel like it's time to deep clean your house or finally start that budget you've been putting off, embrace it. Virgo is a perfectionist, though, so try not to be too critical of yourself this season or feel the need to have everything "just right." Give yourself grace and embrace the imperfections of life.
Virgo Characteristics
Ruler: Mercury
Element: Earth
Modality: Mutable
Symbol: The Maiden
Color: Blue & Beige
Stone: Sapphire
Tarot: The Hermit
Anatomy: Intestines & Nervous System
Locate where Virgo is in your natal chart to identify where its influence will be the most prevalent for you over the next few weeks. For example, I have Jupiter in Virgo in the 11th House, so friends and social groups will be themes to focus on during this season.
Major Transits
We're still in Mercury Retrograde and will feel the effects a few weeks after it goes direct. Be gentle with yourself, and take time to re-evaluate and reflect as needed! There are several transits to be aware of as well:
8/24 - Vesta enters Virgo
8/26 Ceres goes Direct in Capricorn & Last Quarter Moon in Gemini
8/28 - Mercury goes Direct in Leo
8/29 - Venus enters Libra
9/1 - Uranus goes Retrograde in Taurus & Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn
9/2 - New Moon in Virgo
9/4 - Mars enters Cancer
9/8 - Pallas enters Sagittarius
9/9 - Mercury enters Virgo
9/11 - First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
9/17 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
9/20 - Saturn in Pisces quintile Uranus
Virgo Season Tarotscopes 2024
Now, without further ado, let’s find out what the signs may experience during this season. Be sure to check your Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus placements! As a bonus, check out the general reading for all signs during Virgo season.
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General Reading
All Zodiac Signs
Your external world is a reflection of your internal one. What you focus on is what will manifest in your life this season. If you're focusing on your worries and how things can go wrong, you're encouraging those things to happen. On the other hand, if you're focusing on positive outcomes and putting your loving energy into your goals and desires, you're more likely to attract blessings in those areas. If you're part of the former group, turn your attention towards the things and people that are worthwhile and bring you joy–anything that you love. You didn't miss the boat when it comes to achieving your dreams. Good things take time, and it's okay if you're not moving as fast as others. Let yourself slow down and take a siesta if needed.
What you focus on is what you create. Victory and success are to be had if you put effort into them. It's also important at this time to narrow down your manifestations to just one thing rather than a bunch of goals and wishes. Put all of your energy into one thing that you really want right now, and watch the miracles and blessings begin to unfold.
Significant placements: Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Significant numbers: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 12, 39, 50 111, 333, 555, 666, 999, 1212, 3939, 5050
Bestiary Guidance: Steady on
Earth Signs
Taurus | Virgo | Capricorn
You are surrounded by love and support, Earth signs. You may feel like you have to do everything on your own, but that is far from the case. What if you let someone else take care of you every now and then? It really all comes down to balance and allowing yourself to be supported by your loved ones just as much as you support them. You may have periods of self-doubt or feel weighed down by the expectations of others. Some of you may also be having trouble coming to a decision regarding something significant because you're focused on what others want for you. The key here is to trust in yourself and your abilities. And when you're feeling burned out, let yourself rest.
Life moves in cycles. If you've been going through a difficult time lately, that will be coming to an end. There is much happiness and many blessings in store for you, and quite a few are already on their way. It's giving a "happily ever after" type of energy. Family is a big part of this as well. If you're in conflict with any of your family members, this is the time to resolve your issues. And if you're unhappy in any particular area of your life, you don't have to keep attending to it. It's okay to start over. Release what doesn't work for you anymore and allow yourself to evolve into something new. This will be incredibly healing and affect every facet of your life. Remember, your inner world is a reflection of your external one.
Significant placements: Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Significant numbers: 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 17, 51, 115, 111, 666, 777, 888, 1010, 1717, 5151
Bestiary Guidance: Renew your life
Air Signs
Gemini | Libra | Aquarius
You may get many new creative downloads this season, as well as some new job prospects or good news related to finances, Air signs. You're being urged to focus more on internal reflection rather than taking action right now, though. Avoid rushing into any decisions, especially romantically and financially, as they may not pan out as you thought they would, or the spark you initially had may die out quickly. Instead, let these downloads come and take stock of them to come back to when you're ready.
Take the time to really evaluate where you want to go next in life. What are your long-term goals, and do you have a plan to make them happen? How can you balance routine while also going with the flow of change? Reflect on where you feel stagnant or out of sync. These are going to be the areas of your life that will be changing drastically in the coming weeks.
Many of you are being advised to connect with your lineage. Learn more about your DNA, cook a family recipe, or create an altar for your loved ones. Some of you, in particular, are urged to take a pilgrimage to your family's native land, which will require travel over water.
Significant placements: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Significant numbers: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 103, 107, 222, 333, 444, 777, 888, 1111, 1212, 1616
Bestiary Guidance: Honor lineage + Free your inner fire
Water Signs
Pisces | Cancer | Scorpio
Are you ready for your life to completely change, Water signs? A lot of indecision is present here, and even loneliness or isolation. Embrace your ability to evolve–especially when you forget you know how. Why? Because the time to take deliberate action is now. You need to focus on your goals and eliminate any unnecessary distractions keeping you from progressing creatively. Get organized and allow inspiration to flow. You'll be amazed at the downloads you'll receive once you remove the blocks preventing you from moving forward.
For those of you feeling lonely or perhaps going through a mid-life crisis, align with your peers and community with similar goals or drive to succeed. Surround yourself with people who are on the same frequency. You don't have to stay trapped in a situation that no longer works for you. There is so much prosperity and abundance waiting if you're willing to step outside your comfort zone. You'll see your rewards by the spring for any groundwork you lay now.
Significant placements: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn
Significant numbers: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 35, 36, 111, 444, 555, 888, 999, 1313, 3535, 3636
Bestiary Guidance: Evolve into your next becoming
Fire Signs
Aries | Leo | Sagittarius
The power of love can change your life, Fire signs. This season is the transformation period right before a major glow-up. Old ideas, beliefs, and structures are falling by the wayside. This change is going to happen quite quickly, too. Remember that you are safe and loved as you go through this process. For many of you, this will come about with the meeting of a divine connection. This is a potent time for falling in love. Swans mate for life, and the connection you form during this time gives "end game" soulmate energy. For others, you're stepping into your dream job or career. You may very well find your calling or vocation during this period.
Regardless of where or how you find love, your life will completely change in the way only love can do so. The only question is, will you let it change you? The past is in the past–let it remain there so you can fully move forward into this new chapter. Remember why you love the things you do, and if something is no longer for you, that's okay, too. Give yourself the freedom to choose what you love every day. If you let love in, miracles can happen.
Significant placements: Scorpio, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Significant numbers: 2, 4, 8, 13, 20, 67, 222, 444, 888, 1313, 2020, 6767
Bestiary Guidance: Love fiercely
Disclaimer: This message is for entertainment purposes only. You control your life. Nothing is set in stone, and no one can make you do anything you don’t want. Please use discernment. You always have a choice!